For some students, writing an essay is a nightmare which can make them feel frustrated and depressed especially if this assignment should be submitted soon. Thus, when students feel frustrated and depressed, they usually do this assignment as they like. If you like doing this too, you definitely know what consequences are. You possibly will be scolded by your teacher and off course will get bad grade.
If you do want to get the consequences above, you have to do your best in writing the essay. Below are several things that you may consider doing if you want to get good essay writing assignment grade:
- Look for various relevant references from various sources
- Only counting on a textbook to do this assignment can be a big deal especially if you apply copy-paste method. It is better for you to look for various relevant references from various sources, such as: articles, books, or magazines. By doing this way, you can get a lot of information about assignment that you need.
- Ask for suggestions and helps from parents and friends
- If you get any difficulty when writing essay, ask for suggestions and helps from parents and friends, who knows they can give information that you need and overcome your difficulty. Unfortunately, some of you often feel shy or prestige to do this way whereas it is so beneficial.
- Ask for help from essay writing service
- When references that you need cannot be found or parents and friends cannot help you, should you blame them and give up? No, don’t do that because you can ask for help from essay writing service from Buy Essay Cheap. This service will answer your question “can I write my homework?†well. Besides, by using essay writing service from this custom writing company, you get finish assignment on time and of course get good grade that you expect. Give it a try.
- Recheck assignment report before being submitted
- To avoid the risks of writing incorrect words or getting grammatical error problem, recheck assignment report in detail before being submitted. If you are sure already, submit the assignment as soon as possible because some teachers really appreciate students who are able to submit assignments on time.
By applying these tips, be ready to get good grade.
There are so many steps that go into completing a successful interview. The final step in the interview process is sending a personal thank you letter to your interviewer. Thank you letters show your interviewer you are still interested in the job, and you can show gratitude. Sending a thank you letter to your interview takes more thought than you think. The following is five winning personal thank you letters.
The Targeted Letter
The targeted personal thank you letter is used when you want to stress an idea that was stressed in your interview. These type of letter are great to use on a second or third interview because you discuss how this job fits you and your work personality. Targeted letters are the longest of the thank you letters you can write. They are generally three to four paragraphs long with a header and a closing. To really impress your interviewer, include a point or two about the company, and how you fit into them.
The Super Generic Letter
The super generic personal thank you letter is your basic cookie cutter letter. This type of letter is best used if you want your personality to shine. They are all about being fun and energetic. The only time you use a super generic letter is if you completed one interview. They are too casual of a letter to send an employer if you have been through multiple interviews. Even though, these letters are basic in form, always list one attribute about the company you feel fits your personality or work qualifications.
The Recapper Letter
The recapper personal thank you letter is a letter specific to your interviews. These letters are used to sell your attention to detail skills. Typically, five to seven details are listed about your interview you wanted to reiterate to the interviewer. A recapper letter really can earn you bonus points with a company. However, only list points where you have strengths. Never reiterate a point in the interview where your weakness lies. Be sure you are accurate in what you are listing. If you list something that never happened, or is detailed incorrectly, it can backfire on you.
The Second go Around Letter
The second go around personal thank you letter is a very basic letter sent after a first interview. The purpose of this letter is to let your interviewer know you are still interested in the job, and how they can follow up with you. This type of letter is only two paragraphs long. It’s more of a short and sweet letter. The biggest positive to sending a second go around letter is you don’t have to worry about stating anything you might of misunderstood from the interview. The major downfall to this letter is it’s used by many applicants.
Thanks for Nothing Letter
The thanks for nothing personal thank you letter may be the most important thank you letter you write. An applicant sends this letter when they have been rejected for the position. As weird as this may seem, always thank a company, even if you don’t get hired. They may have other positions come available in the future you are better qualified for. By sending them the letter even though you did not get hired, it shows them you are a professional person who does not take business decisions personally.
The final step in successfully completing the interview process is sending a personal thank you letter to your interviewer. These are five letters that will win you major brownie points with your interviewer. Many people who take the time to send these letters will get a call back for a second or third interview or even the best call; one saying you’re hired. Don’t let your professional career slip through your hands. Take 30 minutes to type a thank you letter to your interviewer.
Proofreading means examining your text carefully to find and correct typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling. Here are some tips.
- Before You Proofread
- When You Proofread
- When You Want to Learn More
Before You Proofread
- Be sure you’ve revised the larger aspects of your text. Don’t make corrections at the sentence and word level if you still need to work on the focus, organization, and development of the whole paper, of sections, or of paragraphs.
- Set your text aside for a while (15 minutes, a day, a week) between writing and proofing. Some distance from the text will help you see mistakes more easily.
- Eliminate unnecessary words before looking for mistakes. See the writing center handout how to write clear, concise, direct sentences.
- Know what to look for. From the comments of your professors or a writing center instructor on past papers, make a list of mistakes you need to watch for.
When You Proofread
- Work from a printout, not the computer screen. (But see below for computer functions that can help you find some kinds of mistakes.)
- Read out loud. This is especially helpful for spotting run-on sentences, but you’ll also hear other problems that you may not see when reading silently.
- Use a blank sheet of paper to cover up the lines below the one you’re reading. This technique keeps you from skipping ahead of possible mistakes.
- Use the search function of the computer to find mistakes you’re likely to make. Search for “it,” for instance, if you confuse “its” and “it’s;” for “-ing” if dangling modifiers are a problem; for opening parentheses or quote marks if you tend to leave out the closing ones.
If you tend to make many mistakes, check separately for each kind of error, moving from the most to the least important, and following whatever technique works best for you to identify that kind of mistake.
For instance, read through once (backwards, sentence by sentence) to check for fragments; read through again (forward) to be sure subjects and verbs agree, and again (perhaps using a computer search for “this,” “it,” and “they”) to trace pronouns to antecedents.
End with a spelling check, using a computer spelling checker or reading backwards word by word.
But remember that a spelling checker won’t catch mistakes with homonyms (e.g., “they’re,” “their,” “there”) or certain typos (like “he” for “the”).
When You Want to Learn More
- Take a class.
- The Writing Center offers many workshops, including a number of grammar workshops.
- Use a handbook.
A number of handbooks are available to consult in the Writing Center, and each Writing Center computer has an online handbook.
- Consult a Writing Center instructor.
- Writing Center instructors won’t proofread your papers, but they’ll be glad to explain mistakes, help you find ways to identify and fix them, and share Writing Center handouts that focus on particular problems.
Check for information on how to make an appointment with a Writing Center instructor.
1- Decide when to start
You have to decide when you are going to write. The first thing to do is to set a date when you will stop doing research and start writing in earnest, leave yourself at least 3 months to finish off any last things you need to do. This deadline has to be absolute. Anything not done by then, doesn’t get done.
You will never complete everything on your to-do list, but this is liberating if you accept it as true. Setting a finish date for your research will help you focus on the few tasks which add the most value to your thesis.
2- Decide when to stop
Set your own thesis completion deadline (ideally three months after your start date). Imagine every month you add to the time as costing you $5000 (since you lose income and free time).
If you don’t think it’s possible to write a thesis in that time, write down every reason why not, and ask yourself if it’s impossible, or just difficult.
3- Set mini-deadlines for each chapter
You should already have a rough idea of what your content will be (in terms of chapter titles and so on, so set a deadline for completion of each chapter. These deadlines have to be tight (say 2 weeks per chapter), otherwise you’ll always be able to “start tomorrow”.
These dates have to be agreed well in advance with your supervisor, so they know when to expect each chapter for review (this is the only way to expect fast feedback from a busy academic). Also set dates for meetings to review each chapter, so for example if you hand them a chapter on a Friday, schedule a meeting for the following Wednesday.
4- Set easy targets for each day
Aim to do 500 words every day. It might not seem like much, but it means that you can achieve and beat your target every single day. It soon adds up, and if 500 words is your minimum, the average will actually be higher. Aiming for 1000, 2000 words or more, you’ll miss your target as often as you make it, which is terrible for morale.
It takes the pressure off, and gives you time to write the right 500 words, saving a huge amount of time in the long run.
Print out or make your own “word grid” and place it on the wall above your desk, fill it in as your word-count grows, so you have a visual record of your progress and productivity. It feels good to see it grow!
5- Create a comfortable, distraction free environment
If you have a choice, work from home. There will be fewer distractions than in the office.
Ideally, work at a computer with no internet connection, but if this isn’t possible, switch off all automatic email notifications and chat programs. That green dot next to your name is an invitation to friends to come and distract you.
Put your monitor at eye level, otherwise you’ll suffer back and neck pain. If you use a laptop, buy a second-hand monitor and external keyboard. It’s not worth physical pain.
6- Only turn on the computer when you know exactly what you’re going to work on
Discovering this changed my life. It also helps to…
7- Check email only after you’ve done at least 2 hours work
Even then, it’s usually not necessary. Email is a non-urgent form of communication and the biggest source of distraction in the modern working world. It’s also the first step into a procrastination loop, because it feels justifiable to check email when you get distracted.
8- Work for 25 minutes at a time
Use a timer, work intensively for 25 minutes on one thing, then take a 5 minute break. During those five minutes, get away from the computer, make a cup of tea, stretch your legs, whatever you want to do, but don’t check the internet. After four 25-minute bursts, take a longer break.
When your brain tries to distract you, you just have to make it through to the end of the 25 minutes, rather than aiming to spend all day concentrating. Take advantage of your brain’s natural attention span. If you think of something else you need to do, write it down, then carry on with what you were doing.
9- Get away from the computer when you aren’t working
Most people find this a challenge, but try to create a binary state. You are either working, or not. Being in some sort of half-way in between state is no use to anyone. If you can do this, you’ll end up spending less time at the computer, but getting far more done.
10- Look after yourself
Be nice to yourself; eat well, sleep well, and socialise. This is far easier if you follow the tips above, because you’ll have the time to spare for things you actually enjoy doing.
Don’t sweat the essay component of the SAT. Not only can you prepare, it’s probably one of the easiest areas to do well! A strong SAT essay is surprisingly formulaic.
ETS (the company that writes the test) says the essay is graded holistically, meaning your writing is judged by the overall impression it makes. The graders won’t be spending hours tearing apart your piece. They’ll spend a few minutes at most. Follow the basic formula for an SAT essay and you’re golden.
Here are five SAT essay secrets (ok, they’re not that secret) to help you earn a great score:
Keep It Tidy
Handwriting is becoming a lost art. Unfortunately, this is one occasion where your skill with a pencil matters.
Graders read tons of essays each day. If they cannot decipher your script, they will lower your score. Do yourself a favor and write legibly.
Size Does Matter
You know the maxim “quality not quantity?” Well, ETS hasn’t heard that one. Their graders like long essays. There are 45 lines to fill–get as close to that as possible.
But ramblers beware: your essay should end when the page does. You won’t get an extra sheet of paper!
(Indented) Paragraphs Are Your Friend
Remember the basic essay structure you learned in school: introductory paragraph, body paragraphs and a conclusion? The graders love it!
Make sure your introduction includes a thesis that clearly states the main argument of your essay. Next, include two to three paragraphs that support your thesis. Finally, write a conclusion that briefly summarizes your points. Indent your paragraphs!
Follow this format and graders will see your essay as logical and complete.
For Example…
Use your body paragraphs to back up your thesis statement by citing specific examples. You can draw on your literature and history classes for inspiration. You can even use examples from your own life. Don’t waste time worrying whether you’ve found the perfect examples. Just make sure they support your thesis.
Use Big Words (Yes, We’re Serious)
A few well–placed big words can have a strong impact on the graders of your SAT essay. We suggest a light peppering in the introduction or conclusion; they might be lost in the body. Don’t go overboard, and don’t misuse a word!
Like a gourmet meal or an old master painting, the perfect college paper is carefully constructed – not thrown together the night before it’s due. Each part is just right, and the pieces are assembled to form the clear and convincing whole. We should know. We’ve read thousands of papers and we can tell you it’s easy for the prof to sort out the good, the bad, and the ugly. Wanna avoid the bad and the ugly? Read on.
1. Get started right away. When the professors gives you, say, a week to write the paper, he or she is assuming you’ll be spending the whole time thinking out what you’re going to say, doing whatever research is necessary, and then actually writing your finished product. You can’t go through the required intellectual steps if you don’t give your mind enough time to do them. Always use all the available time.
2. Decide what the expectations are. Turns out that at college there are many different kinds of papers: analytic papers, research papers, papers that draw on your own experience, summaries of some body of literature, and many other types. Be sure you know exactly what kind of paper you’re being asked to write. Good sources of information: the syllabus, the paper assignment (be sure to focus on any verbs telling you what to do, e.g. compare and contrast, defend, evaluate, summarize), and anything the professor or TA says as they hand out the assignment. If in doubt, ask before class or in an office hour.
3. Always answer exactly the question asked. Professors spend large amounts of time forging the question(s) for their papers. Rather than having some preconceived notion of what they should be asking, answer what they are asking.
4. Be sure to fill the space. Most professors, when they give a range for page length (for instance, five to eight pages), are expecting that the good papers will fall toward the top of the range. If your paper comes out too short, consider probing an issue in more detail, giving an additional example or illustration, or raising an associated point. Often, the additional length and depth can vault your paper from a B to an A.
5. Make sure your paper has a point – one. One of the hallmarks of an excellent paper is that it has a single point that structures the paper and gives it unity. Usually, that point is explicitly – and simply – stated in the first paragraph of the paper, sometimes even in the first sentence. Less good papers read like a “laundry list”: many points, all of them perhaps true or even important, but with no real single point to the paper.
6. Give your paper direction. Once you’ve figured out what the main point of your paper, you need to organize your points so that they all work together to support your main idea. Be sure to carefully consider the order of the points to be introduced. An excellent paper has structure and direction: the reader can understand why the points are coming when they do, and how each works to advance the point of your paper.
7. Write for a reasonably intelligent person – not the professor. One of the most common mistakes in college paper writing is to assume that the reader already knows the answer and, hence, it’s enough if you just gesture at your points. A good paper, on the other hand, explains the points fully and clearly enough so that someone who didn’t know the answer could understand your view just from what’s written on the page.
Extra Pointer. Be sure to explain any technical terms, or terms not being used in their ordinary English meaning. Never assume that the prof or TA will understand such terms just because he or she used them in class.
8. Have a quote quota. Unless instructed otherwise, you should not have elaborate quotes as parts of your paper; often a brief citation of the main few words or sentences (with proper footnotes) is more than enough. That’s because what the professor is looking for is how you understand the material. This is best demonstrated when you explain in your own words (with only brief quotes) what some author is saying – and meaning.
9. Reach a conclusion. One of the things a professor likes to see is a firm conclusion at the end of a paper. Students sometimes are shy about taking a stand; but the paper is asking you to give your answer to what’s asked. This doesn’t mean you should be dogmatic or opinionated, or refuse to consider arguments or evidence that goes against your view. But it does mean that you shouldn’t just list considerations on both sides and leave it to the reader to figure out what the answer to the question really is.
10. Deal the professor in. You might be surprised to hear that many professors enjoy thinking, and talking, about the question asked – especially if the course is in the prof’s field of research. You can join the conversation – and the intellectual exercise – by going to see the professor, or even by emailing or Skyping him or her before you finalize your paper. You’ve paid for this faculty/student interaction. You should use it.
Bonus tip. Be sure to proofread your paper. Even if your professor doesn’t take off for spelling and grammar, he or she can’t help but think less of your ideas if they’re expressed with bonehead spelling mistakes or sentences that are grammatically incorrect. Well worth the few minutes of extra time.
Academic essays should be written in a formal style. Avoid:
- clichés (“the flaws in this argument stand out like a sore thumb”)
- contractions (“don’t”, “aren’t”, “it’s”)
- phrases that sound like speech (“well, this bit is really fascinating”)
- subjective descriptions (“this beautiful sculpture”)
Use the first person “I” only where appropriate (e.g. when writing up your own experience or professional case study). Where possible use the third person, for example “It can be argued”instead of “I think”
Use plain language – you don’t have to search for a more “academic-sounding” word when a simple one will do. Markers are looking for clear and accurate expression of ideas, not jargon or confusing language. Shorter sentences are usually clearer than long complex ones, but make sure it is a whole sentence and not just a clause or phrase.
Integrating evidence and your own ideas
Your argument is your reasoned answer to the essay question, supported by evidence. The books, articles, and research material that you read for your essay provide this evidence to back up your points. The way in which you select and interpret the evidence, and explain why it answers the question, is where you demonstrate your own thinking.
For each point that you make in your essay, you need to support it with evidence. There are many different kinds of evidence, and the type you use will depend on what is suitable for your subject and what the essay question is asking you to do.
For example, you might back up a point using a theory (one kind of evidence) then show how this theory applies to a specific example in real life (another kind of evidence).
Critical analysis
Critical analysis is a key skill for writing essays at university; it allows you to assess the various ideas and information that you read, and decide whether you want to use them to support your points.
It is not a mysterious skill that is only available to advanced students; it is something we do everyday when assessing the information around us and making reasoned decisions, for example whether to believe the claims made in TV adverts. Nor does it always mean disagreeing with something you also need to be able to explain why you agree with arguments.
I have always been quite good at essay writing. I was first pointed at my ability in high school, when we started writing quite a lot of essays during our literature classes. This was something very new and exciting for everyone and we were indeed so looking forward to these assignments. Our literature teacher was a young lady who really enjoyed reading her students’ opinion and thoughts. She saw it as a challenge to make us concentrate and try to analyze different things.
That’s why we did not do essay writings only on topics on certain books or writers, but also on some philosophical themes. We all preferred the last ones because they did not require reading a huge book or studying about the life and works of a certain poet. And since we usually did horrible essays on books because we did now know what to write about and our teacher started to become quite fed up with the stupid and meaningless things that we would write, she soon started to give us philosophical assignments more often.
That’s why I understand that I was very talented when it comes to essay writing. Very often the teacher will praise me in front of the whole class (which was rather uncomfortable), and sometimes she would even make me read my work out laud in front of everybody (which was even more uncomfortable).
But I did enjoy writing and reading my essays afterwards. I still keep all my assignments and the teachers’ moments on them in a small notebook, which I read every now and then. Now that I am much more grown-up I can see how funny and shallow were my thought on some subjects, which is quite funny. But it is so interesting to make the difference between the things that were important to me back then and that were my priorities and then think of the same things right now. Sometimes it is even hard to believe that this is one and the same person.
When I went to university we did not do as much essay writing as before, although I continued to write them at home. Unfortunately, I do not have as much time for this hobby of mine anymore, but when I do find the time for that it really feels great. I get very excited and motivated and the essay writing is the only thing that I think about for several days. In the end when I finish it I will send it to a friend of mine back from school, who too enjoyed writing essays. She will read my works and I will read hers and will praise each other all the time.
When I was young I really loved reading books, stories, poetries and other literature works. My dream was to one day be able to make money out of that. I remember someone mentioning to me that I should open my own company for proofreading services, but since I was a young teenager back then this did not sound as a very appealing job to me. I was more looking for something like book critic.
Many people, however, told me that I won’t be able to make enough living out of that and that there were only a handful of critics in the world that actually could afford to do only this for a living. But I still did not believe them and my dream started to become bigger and bigger.
Eventually, I totally forgot about the proofreading service and started working more on becoming a professional critic. I even went to study in the most renewed university on literature in my country, where I studied Literature. These were the best 4 years of my life because besides having amazing and smart colleagues, I learned a lot about foreign literature, the different types or writing and so on.
However, there was a small surprise during my last year that I have not expected. My professors started talking more and more often about proofreading services and how neglected this subject is. That’s why the University decided for the first time to introduce a new subject – proofreading. I was very interested in that because, although I have heard a lot about it during my life, I have never made the effort to see what exactly this is. It turned out that this is indeed a very valuable service for the authors and publishers. And what is most important – it requires reading a lot of books.
Proofreading services is actually making sure that a certain book has right spelling and is grammatically correct. This kind of make you lose focus from the plot that you read, but our proofreading professor told us that if you are good enough you will be able to make it both at the same time – read an interesting book and correct it. This requires more time, of course, but I think I will take this possibility. I am spending so much time reading books anyway, I might as well earn money out of it.
Nowadays there are more and more services for essay help, which aim is to support the students to meet the high expectations of essay writing. Some of them offer the students help in the form of advice and guidelines before they write the essay; others allow you to send in your essay after you have written it and they check it and give you score; third offer to write your essay themselves.
The cost of this service varies according to several details. First of all, of major importance is the level of education for which the work is required. If you are in school then the essay help won’t be that expensive, but if you are doing a bachelor’s or master’s degree then the cost will be much higher. Furthermore, of crucial importance is the deadline of the essay. If you write to the essay help services only a week before the deadline, then you will have to prepare a good bit of money to have the work done.
But if you write in advance to the company, then you won’t have to pay as much. Another detail that changes the price is the required length of the essay. The more words are required, the more the help will cost. Of course, the subject or the theme also matters a lot. If it is a very broad and rather unexplored subject then it will be very difficult for the writer to prepare the work; it is it a common subject thought, then the service will be much to carry out.
Some of the companies give you guarantees of the quality of the work, although not all of them make such promises. A common procedure is that you receive a price list with the money required for each score. In other words if your work receives an “A” score, then you will have to pay more for the essay help. If the work receives a “C” for example, then the cost will be much smaller.